Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why a Permission Marketing Approach is Required for a B2C Site?


Source: Wikipedia

Permission marketing is a term used in marketing in general and e-marketing specifically. Marketers will ask permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. For example, they ask permission to send advertisements to prospective customers. It is used by some Internet marketers, email marketers, and telephone marketers. It requires that people first "opt-in", rather than allowing people to "opt-out" only after the advertisements have been sent.

Marketers feel that this is a more efficient use of their resources because advertisements are only sent to people that are actually interested in the product. This is one technique used by marketers that have a personal marketing orientation. They feel that marketing should be done on a one-to-one basis rather than using broad aggregated concepts like market segment or target market.

Permission Marketing Business Models on the Web


Consumers define the boundaries of their relationship with firms in such businesses. In some cases, they give the business tremendous leeway and in others the firms are held on a tight leash. Formally, permission intensity is defined as the degree to which a consumer empowers a marketer in the context of a communicative relationship.

Compare two scenarios. In the first case, the consumer provides a marketer his or her e-mail address and permits the marketer to send one promotional message a month. No additional information is provided. In the second case, the consumer provides detailed information about tastes and preferences and permits the marketer to target promotional messages at him or her. Clearly, in the second case, the consumer has provided a greater role for the marketer and hence, it represents greater permission intensity.

Business-to-consumer (B2C, sometimes also called Business-to-Customer) describes activities of businesses serving end consumers with products and/or services.

An example of a B2C transaction would be a person buying a pair of shoes from a retailer. The transactions that led to the shoes being available for purchase, that is the purchase of the leather, laces, rubber, etc. as well as the sale of the shoe from the shoemaker to the retailer would be considered (B2B) transactions.

Why a Permission Marketing Approach is Required for the B2C Site?

Comfortableness and Privacy is a first reason why permission marketing needed on B2C transaction. On the customer side, that allow them to receive only the information that they needed.

For the company, they will increase effectiveness of any promotion or activity to the real market target.

Hal ini dilakukan agar setiap customer merasakan kenyamanan dari kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh marketers untuk pemasaran produk mereka. Hal ini dilakukan biar tidak menjadi seperti Junk Mail atau SPAM dimana penerima iklan tersebut merasa terganggu dengan semua itu. Permission marketing dibentuk agar para konsumen merasa nyaman dengan iklan dari setiap produk dan jasa yang dipilihnya.

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